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Regis Petit's Website


Picture : Coule par 3 bandes avec contournement de la bille 3 Picture : APJM - Les beliers hydrauliques (extrait) Picture : Baby and Learning Picture : Relativity - Geodesic Picture : Botany - Albizia Picture : Music - Piano keys Picture Ornithology : Streptopelia turtur Picture Meteorology : altocumulus floccus

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Presentation of the site

This scientific information site is a showcase-type Website that does not require any entry of personal data.
It aims to be clear, neutral, precise, relevant and honest, with rigorous information and simple explanations.
It was selected by the WebRankInfo Directory as one of the best French-speaking sites on the Science and technology theme.
It is used by many schools and organizations, especially in the context of end-of-studies projects.
It hosts many references, books, guides, photos, videos, etc.
It is accessible to sensory handicapped and to any web browser.

List of topics

The following table gives all the topics grouped by categories (A, B, C, D, E, F).
The first topics in each category are short, synthetic topics, gathered on the Help page.

Art and culture (A)
Games (B)
A1. Optic illusionsB1. Labyrinths
A2. Heritage of Gers LomagneB2. Benford's law
A3. Unusual sculpturesB3. Crossword
A4. Music and Language (with detailed glossary)
Beyond the well-known aspects of musical sounds (scale, pitch, consonance, timbre, etc.), a presentation of some less known aspects of their relationship with human perception (psycho-acoustic) and spoken language (syllable type sounds).
Natural sciences (C)
Sciences and technologies (D)
C1. Climat changeD1. Scientific approach
C2. Footprints of mammals and birdsD2. Digital optical disk
C3. Botany (with detailed glossary)
A catalog of 300 European woody plants associated with an identification method mainly by leaves.
D3. Hydraulic ram
An unusual device with a simple operating principle, a complex theory and an ancestral practice.
C4. Ornithology
A catalog of 300 European birds associated with an identification method mainly by songs or cries.
D4. Billards physics
A complement useful to the practical guides on Billiards.
C5. Meteorology and Navigation (with detailed glossary)
The observation of clouds and winds to predict the weather over 24 hours, completed by basic concepts in air and sea navigation.
D5. Relativity (with detailed glossary)
Basic formulas of Restricted Relativity and General Relativity with a presentation of the mathematical tools accessible to uninitiated people.
Social sciences (E)
Society (F)
E1. The life lawsF1. Planned obsolescence
E2. HypnosisF2. Consumer society
E3. Smells and flavorsF3. Surveys
E4. Human Nervous System and Learning
A sensori-motor behaviour model of baby in accordance with Piaget's Learning Theory.
F4. Statistics
F5. Media violence


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Copyright © 2005 Régis Petit.         CopyrightFrance.com        Last page update : July 14, 2024.